
The People’s Library is the collective, public, open library of the Occupy Wall Street leaderless resistance movement.

Located in the northeast corner of Liberty Plaza during the height of the occupation, the library provided free, open and unrestricted access to our collection of books, magazines, newspapers, ‘zines, pamphlets and other materials that had been donated, collected, gathered and discovered during the occupation.  The facilities there and most of the collection were destroyed by the NYPD under the authority of Mayor Bloomberg in the November 15 raid on Liberty Plaza.

Library 3.0, what we call our twice-resurrected book-sharing system, consists of a few mobile units – shopping carts, crates – used by librarians to ferry free books in and out of the OWS storage facility and to Liberty Plaza and actions around the city.  The librarians see this as temporary, and are dedicated to finding a space to allow for greater access to the collection.

You can find an overview of how our borrowing system works at the Lending FAQ.

Please see our Catalog for a list of titles, our History for the story of how the library came to be, Contribute to learn how you can help, and come find us!

*Comments are disabled on this page, please go to The Working Group to join the discussion. Thanks!

24 responses to “About

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  17. Pingback: Tolerance, Censorship and the Occupy Wall Street Library « Geeks Shall Inherit the Earth

  18. Pingback: At the Libraries: The People’s Library - Sopaipleto » Sopaipleto

  19. Pingback: At the Libraries: The People’s Library - Cine Sopaipleto » Cine Sopaipleto

  20. Pingback: La biblioteca autogestita di Occupy Wall Street « GRUPPO/I DI LETTURA

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